C4NN Says:
We will examine this article in a different format then usual. Below I have posted the Full CBC NEWS posting and my comments, thoughts, insights, etc are in red. Shall we begin?
Foreign prostitutes won't flock to Vancouver Games
Source: CBC NEWS
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said Thursday he doesn't foresee foreign prostitutes descending on the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that of all the issues revolving around the Olympics this is the one he felt needed to be address.
Meanwhile we have these mascots that resemble the love child abortions that result from the aftermath of an orgy of Pokemon and a pile of Bill Reid paintings...awesome.

Day said major events such as the Olympics or soccer's World Cup traditionally have been a magnet for prostitutes and others out to make a buck from big crowds.
But the minister said stringent security at the Canadian border is likely to deter such unwanted foreign visitors.
Stringent Security at the Canadian Boarder?!? Thank god it's impossible for a hooker to get a passport, right?...but...but...what if the evil Nazi hookers do get in...what then?!
While there's likely to be an influx of Canadian prostitutes to the area, Day says tighter policing will help control that, too.
"Tighter policing?"...my mind is rampant with so many metaphors in response to this, that I have to let that one go.
Meanwhile, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson is brushing off suggestions that legal brothels would be a good method of protecting vulnerable prostitutes in Canada.
He says the government has no intention of legalizing prostitution.
We should have legal brothels. hear me out.
Right now a good hooker is a lot like a police officer. Always around when you don't want them, and never there when you do.
Plus, Remember those Gold-C Entertainment coupon books you used to get in school (apparently they still make these)? Well remember how shitty they were?
"WOW I can get 2 FREE Rounds of Laser Tag!!!" when I buy a red sticker car, on a Tuesday or Thursday, over $12,000 in value Before tax at Bobs Daewoo in Salmon Arm
Well now, think about how much better these books would be if brothels were legal!

We should "tighten" up our hookers, to prevent foreign hookers from invading Canada. The question then becomes, should it be a Federal or Provincial responsibility? If it is a Federal duty, then forget I ever made that suggestion, because Harper is too Churchy, and if it's a provincial then we have a chance because Campbell is a whore himself and wouldn't mind supporting this idea.
Wow. That is a really out of the box simple solution to all of this. What party do you think would be most likely to adopt a Hooker-Tightening policy? i'm leaning towards NDP or Green Party (both Marijuana green and regular type)
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