Royal Canadian Air Farce Finally Gets Axed (Too bad thats just a figure of speech)
SOURCE: The Ottawa Sun
The Farce has landed.Royal Canadian Air Farce, a comedic staple of CBC television for more than a decade and a half, is calling it quits at the end of this calendar year.
It was confirmed April 1st that what is being described as a "mutual decision" has been made to end Air Farce's run, which dates back 35 years if you include the era on CBC radio. The final Air Farce broadcast is scheduled for Dec. 31, 2008.
When I read this article the first thing I thought to myself was "Don't tease me...worst April Fools Day joke ever." You me, pretending to cancel this show would be like Fox News saying "We interrupt this episode of Heroes to bring you this breaking news....Dr's have just announced they have found an affordable miracle drug that will cure cancer, stop global warming, catch Osama Bin Laden, impeach president Bush and eliminate the need for taxes....APRIL FOOOOOOOLS." The Royal Canadian Air Farce has been the bane of my existence for years. I hate this show and I don't keep it a secret as its the only thing to EVER embarrass me to be a Canadian.
At the mere mention of its name I want to break things as my head fills with questions as to why this show exists and how the actors haven't committed suicide or been kidnapped / assassinated. But I can finally rest at night knowing this show is finally dead. In celebration of this wonderful day I have gathered some quotes directly from the users of Internet Movie Database (IMDB), where the show currently ranks a 4/10.
To kick things off here is a 100% unedited screen shot of the IMDB Forum. Trying to find a discussion group that isn't bashing this Technicolor crap fest is harder then finding Waldo. Infact, to save you time I actually highlighted the GOOD/Non-threatning discussions for you. Why? cause if I highlighted the bad ones the whole god damn page would be green....enjoy

By outhousehippy (Sat Apr 15 2006 12:52:01)
I could pull a better tv show than air farce out of my bum.
By jsalden (Thu Feb 22 2007 15:55:06)
Air Farce makes me cry.
They're Old and Need to Retire!, 26 March 2006
Author: jason_coolidge3000 from United Kingdom
Who watches Air Farce???????
I don't know if Royal Canadian Air Farce was ever funny. Maybe it was in 1937 when it first went on the radio.
Royal Canadian Air Farce is one of the worst shows I've seen on TV though. They should retire and I wonder why didn't they retire twenty years ago?
Popcultured with Elvira Kurt, Royal Canadian Air Farce, Mike Bullard are my picks for three worst shows of all time made in Canada, they are all so bad!
It's like CBC with Beachcombers it was on for like twenty years! Nobody I know watches Air Farce so why is it still on my TV?
These people are 100 years old and they all should have retired in 1976.
Beating a dead horse, 23 September 2003
Author: Mark ( from Toronto, Canada
One of the worst shows on Canadian television. The jokes are lame, the performers are wooden and untalented. Good political humour (or humour in general) explores unchartered oceans, this one wades in stagnant waste water. I can't believe so many Canadians like this show, it's time to retire it and it's crew.
And the award for best Royal Canadian Air Farce rant on IMDB to date goes to user bobsmith6040. He ranked the show 1/10 stars and was so upset by this show he felt the need to express himself in this rather lengthy review (I feel your pain brotha). you know a show sucks when this many people take this much time out of their day to vent hate and warn other people about it.The W.O.R.S.T.!, 21 October 2006
Author: bobsmith6040 from Canada
Royal Canadian Air Farce should have retired in the 1950s.
I have never met anybody who says they watch this show, so I'm assuming the only people who do are 100 year old brain dead people who live in old folks homes where the TV has to be set to CBC 24 hours a day because it is the only channel they can get.
Maybe they used to be funny back in the days when families would sit around their radio sets after dinner with grannie and pappy, but they sure aren't now. Take for example their chicken cannon. Every show they put up a picture of a politician who is in the news that week, load up a compressed-air powered 'chicken cannon' and shoot the picture with hilarious 'ammunition', like for example they might put BALONEY in the chicken cannon 'because this guy is full of BALONEY!' They try not to laugh at their own hilarious jokes and shoot the picture. And it's called the chicken cannon because it's got a funny cartoon of a chicken drawn on it! They also do impressions of all the country's big politicians. They actually can't really do impressions though, they just put on different glasses and a wig and then say "hello I'm so-and-so"...
They have Luba Goy who impersonates every female character on the show which is so terrible it's not even funny because she's like 3 feet tall and 400 pounds and 75 years old so watching her pretend to be people half her age is just sad.
The writing is the worst, none of their sketches even make sense. They just come up with lame jokes based on the week's news and then have random characters to talk about it. Like they'll have a news reporter talk about the week's top news even and interview three people, the girl from the mattress commercial, the prime minister and george strombolopoulos... what? wtf? Yeah they also have a cabbie who talks about random news events for no reason at all and his catch phrase is "no vie-sa you pay cash!" and he is on like every week even though it wasn't even funny the first time. "Hey did you know that they are cutting the GST? That's weird, usually politicians want to take MORE money! No VIE-SA you pay cash! And hey how about those Maple Leafs? They lost again this week... they lose so much they shouldn't even bother showing up for the games! No vie-sa you pay cash! And Stephen Harper has no personality, he's like a robot! No vie-sa you pay cash!" One of the new cast members does an impersonation of Stephen Harper that belongs in a grade four play. You see, prime minister Harper doesn't have much of a personality, so they play him like he's a robot! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No wonder this show is still on the air! And they do a news report based in Newfoundland so they talk about the news but they keep talking about fish too, because people in Newfoundland go fishing a lot! And they wear fisherman's rain slickers, HAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!! CBC please put a fork in this stupid show because pretty soon the 100 year olds who watch it because they don't have the ability to change the channel are going to die and then you won't have anybody watching Canada's national channel at all. How can you blame us for watching other channels when you keep crap like Royal Canadian Air Farce on TV for like 20 years? Get with it!!!!!
C4NN says: Burn.
Best one ever is the man humping the table.... WTF were they thinking when they used that as a news story. Is it coming to the point where the news is so lame they put these type of stories on air. HOWEVER, as much as the story was ridiculus beyond belief (seriously I thought you were kidding when I started reading it), it distracted me from blaw and amused me (I actually giggled).
Looking forward to your next post.... woooo C4NN
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